We are proud to announce that MySchool has now attained the internationally recognised ISO standards certification for ISO27001 'Information Security' and ISO9001 'Quality Management'.
MySchool is entrusted by its customers with the security, privacy and integrity of personal data belonging to thousands of students, staff and parents. The protection of our customers' data is a core to our business and these two certifications represent a significant enhancement to the security and integrity of the service we offer.
Why is data security & privacy important?
Data security and privacy have come in to sharp focus in the past few years with a number of high profile data breaches around the world culminating in the exposure of millions of people's personal data and the global cost of cyber crime potentially reaching six trillion USD. The need for data security has never been higher.
Thankfully, legislators are strengthening laws that place demands on companies and government agencies to significantly improve the protection of their customers data. One such move has been taken by the EU with the development of a new hard hitting regulation called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protecting every single EU citizen and affecting any organisation that processes EU citizens' data, no matter their size or location around the world. Companies that do not meet the requirements of the GDPR will be breaking the law and prohibited from operating in the EU until they comply and additionally, fined up to €20 million or 4% of annual turnover whichever is higher. This legislation will substantially bolster the protection of 740 million EU citizen's data. The law comes in to full force in May 2018.
How does ISO27001 certification help?
ISO27001 is an extensive set of standards and controls used to assess and manage all security related aspects of the business. The standard demands:
- The requirement for an Information Security Management System (ISMS), a systematic approach to securing and managing sensitive data.
- Disaster recovery and business continuity plans to ensure continued operations through challenging situations.
- An established culture of security awareness with regular updates & alerts from security bodies around the globe.
- Regular audits both internal and external to ensure continued compliance.
- Risk exposure management with continual assessment of our systems, development and business practices.
What does ISO27001 mean to our customers?
That your valuable student, parent and staff personal data is in safe hands and the security practices that underpin this safety are verified & monitored by the world's leading security organisation and its licenced auditors.
ISO9001 enhances the effectiveness of our operation
The ISO9001 standard injects customer focus, order and process into everything we do. It helps ensure we can reliably operate consistently, and systematically improve our processes. The standard insists:
- We document all of our processes in order to analyse, enhance and reliably repeat them.
- That we establish a Quality Management System (QMS) in order to track and resolve issues as they arise.
- Regular audits both, internal and external, to ensure continued compliance.
- That we measure, assess and react to customer feedback.
What does ISO9001 mean to our customers?
That the MySchool service our customers receive is built on a solid bedrock of sound business practices. These are designed to systematically improve the quality of our product and service through continual customer feedback, consistency of company practices and of course regular audits by ISO certified auditors.
We're extremely grateful to Step, ISO9001 and ISO27001 specialists, for guiding us through our certification process. ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 163 national standards bodies. Find out more about the organisation here.